by exploited » Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:32 pm
The US and their entourage should focus on either building an independent Kurdish state spanning parts of Syria and Iraq, or back off, let Assad finish the job and let the ING die the death it deserves.
Extended conflict between Western powers over fundamentally broken and dysfunctional territory serves nobody. It would be better if a state takes control of most of Syria and properly administers it... if only to stem the flow of refugees and improve the lives of regular people. Instead it is a dick-measuring contest with hundreds of thousands of needless deaths, a conflict propped up by meaningless disputes among Westerners.
Personally, I'm cool with creating another Israel in the Middle East, and hoping at some point that the norms of modern Western civilization take hold. That's the Kurdistan option.
If not that, time to bail out of the region and let them murder each other, with the strongest man hopefully establishing order of any kind.