by Indy » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:34 am
This is way into another topic right now. The original point was: if you want to criticize Islam, that's a whole different than what FOX/GOP are doing--they're baiting.
When you smear one of Hillary Clinton's aides as a terrorist Manchurian Candidate and provide no evidence to back it up other than she's a Muslim, that's bigotry.
When you have on a well-respected author and scholar for no other reason than to fabricate a narrative that some dirty Muslim wrote a book smearing Jesus--when that's not at all accurate--you're fanning bigotry and ignorance. Period.
And it's sad that apparently that's where the GOP thinks its future lies at this point: in spending 24/7 inflaming white people that their lives are being ruined by blacks, Muslims, gays, Mexicans. From a demographic standpoint alienating those groups is only going to prove fatal for the GOPs future prospects.
This is what happens when you let those morons in the Tea Party set the agenda.
As I've said before, it's almost like Michael Moore's greatest plot, revealed: plant these people at the front of the GOP and just watch it incinerate from within, guaranteeing a Dem monopoly for years.