i believe san fransisco leads the nation in homeless per capita. homeless population in SF is 7,500. this number was reached by the San Fransisco Department of Homelessness http://hsh.sfgov.org/research-reports/s ... t-reports/ (one must question why a department exists if there is no problem)
THAT SAID, you are conflating homelessness and illegal immigration.
75% of homeless are not-latino.
one third are white, less than that black, and 22% latino (3% refused to answer or didn't know)
this out of an entire population of 870,887
so 0.8% of the population of San Fran is homeless. And 0.18% of the population of San Francisco are homeless latinos. I'm not sure about their immigration status to be sure, but if half of them are illegals, which I would find unlikely, this means that of the people in San Fran 0.09% of them are homeless illegals. This is far less than the 0.31% of the population who are homeless whites. as a whole the population of san fran hardly has any latinos, only around 15%. blacks make up only 6% of the population but almost a third of the homeless population though.