Perused the thread, and have seen this question touched on, but not overtly asked.
I saw something about limiting mag size. According to reports of this episode, the killer walked from room to room, giving him plenty time to change mags in the hall. During VT, that was certainly the case. So, limiting mag size won't prevent these types of things.
I've heard about doing away with "assault rifles". First define an "assault rifle". Then, tell me what is different between an "assalut rifle" and another semi-auto long rifle, like the 30-06 that I have.
Do away with handguns? OK, but according to the coroner, all of the people killed in CT were killed with the rifle.
I think we need to face the music. Solving gun violence will not happen when we focus on guns. Did drug usage stop when we focused on drugs? I think we can all agree that the "war on drugs" has been a failure. Why would anyone want a new "war on guns"?
As with drugs, we need to focus on the PEOPLE. Many studies have shown that it's far more effective to help a user deal with their addiction, than to simply deny them access to drugs. In this same vein, we should treat the mental illness and other things that are the root causes of this type of violence, and not attempt to deny peopel the means to carry out the violence. If people want to kill, they will.