by John Galt » Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:28 pm
honest question, not trying to be flippant...
when was the last time poor white america won?
i feel like this is a realignment of american politics one that will break the two parties finally out of the new deal coalitions and into new ones. it's been going on for too long actually (cycles before new deal lasted 40 years) and needs refreshing
and the main impetus for this is that poor white america is basically shit on and has been for a long time. i think FDR was the last time poor white america felt like they were #winning. and weirdly the billionare trump speaks to them when he says "We're going to win so much -- win after win after win -- that you're going to be begging me: 'Please, Mr. President, let us lose once or twice. We can't stand it any more.' And I'm going to say: 'No way. We're going to keep winning. We're never going to lose. We're never, ever going to lose."
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.