Things have become so twisted that the average person actually loathes other average people for doing well.
We have had a tremendous amount of wealth simply stolen from us, and instead of focusing on that problem, we fight for scraps. The most unproductive class in the world owns the vast majority of resources, and what gets us all concerned about government finances is middle-class pensions? Somehow removing 2-5% of the budget is going to fix our finances, even as it takes money right out of the pockets of the already dwindling middle class?
It is insane. We need to exercise solidarity. The only way we are going to fix our society is if we organize and demand that our conditions are improved, just like our forefathers did. Unions are the only goddamned reason why the US was as successful as it was, and it is no accident that the fall of unions coincides perfectly with the rise of oligarchy. I want people to work less and make more. I want to see MORE pensions, not less. It makes zero sense at all to respond to our current situation by making things worse for the middle class. Seriously.