Legalize all drugs? Scary thought. I believe some very dangerous drugs out there that totally ruin lives. Not just the addicts, but the ones who love them. I don't think any drug user should be sent to jail, criminal jails. I do think they should forcibly be sent to drug jail. A recovery jail, where they are forced to stay until they are clean. Given counseling.
I have heard that you can't force someone to quit. They have to be ready to quit before counseling does them any good. Yet I have known people that have been jailed, usually a few times before it works, that have stayed clean. So even if it takes a few times locking them up, in a recovery jail, it could work.
Withdrawal symptoms seem to keep the user using for fear of the withdraw they have to go through. I have known many who smoke pot and never had any withdrawal symptoms. Those who have gotten a job, or put on probation, or just choose to stop smoking pot and it was no problem for them to quit.
I have read that youngsters frontal brain lope is still growing. Anywhere from 18 to 25 before it stops growing. So I can see putting an age limit on it, just as they do with booze. No driving when smoking, no smoking around kids. Other than that, it should be legal.
I have seen and even felt myself the medical benefits of marijuana. I have used, but don't because it is illegal. I have a blessed life and plan on keeping it that way by following the laws. Make it legal and I'd be the first in line to get some. Amazing the difference it makes with my old lady aches and pains. Better than the pain meds that I believe are more harmful to me that pot would be.