by exploited » Wed Aug 29, 2018 10:41 am
There is nothing particularly edgy about pointing out that John McCain was a vocal and prominent supporter of the War on Iraq, which was premised on obviously false intelligence and resulted in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Considering his experiences in Vietnam, a war also triggered by false premises, his actions and words are inexcusable.
In fact, this should be a learning moment for you John, but your obsession with decorum is preventing that lesson from reaching your brain stem. Being a decent person has nothing to do with what you say or how you present yourself. It is entirely determined by what you do.
John McCain was a warmonger, a shortsighted fool who enabled the worst aspects of his own party, and a man who shares a noteworthy amount of responsibility for aggression against several countries. Bush Jr. was significantly worse, and if justice meant anything, he'd be spending his post-Presidency in a jail cell. As for Obama, he too is a serial murderer and unrepentant Constitutional lawbreaker, who deliberately spied on millions of Americans without a warrant, and executed a drone war that killed tens of thousands of civilians.
At the end of the day, you are celebrating murderers, out of some outdated since of patriotic decorum. You might as well be grovelling at the feet of big government. Would you look at a guy who murdered two dozen people and eulogize his funeral, demand that nobody say anything about how terrible he was? No. But you'll gladly do it so long as they got voted in on those very actions.