Trump just raped the Earth without the Earth's consent

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Re: Trump just raped the Earth without the Earth's consent

Postby spacemonkey » Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:44 am

Hopefully someday humans will realize the Earth is not infinite and there won't be plenty for all forever. Our communication and transportation are already being affected by a finite world. Knowing events taking place on the other side in mere seconds, compared to weeks, months, years, if ever. Transportation = bombs, pandemics, etc can reach the other side in a few hours now. On the upside , so can help. But all that is up to us. are we as smart as we like to think we are? Probably find out soon.
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Re: Trump just raped the Earth without the Earth's consent

Postby Spider » Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:16 pm

Nobody thinks the earth is infinite. It's well understood to be a smallish ball of rock, metal, and water on a known orbit. We know it's mass, circumference, and composition. Well, maybe some bizarro breed of flat earther thinks it, but they don't count.

It's just something you say for no apparent reason other than to feed your own delusions, spacemonkey.
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