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Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage rate. • Page 3 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage rate.

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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby Spider » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:57 am

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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby ToddStarnes » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:30 am

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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby ToddStarnes » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:32 am

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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby NAB » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:44 am

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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby ToddStarnes » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:20 am

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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby exploited » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:25 am

Worth noting that draft boards didn't give a shit who you voted for the last election, Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican. All that mattered was giving you a bit of basic training and then getting your boots on the ground. Partisan considerations just were not made. About the only people who avoided service in Canada were the Quebecois, but they have a long and storied history of cowardice. Natives didn't have to serve, but many did.

In any case, observing Armistice Day is a civic duty, like voting, not littering and killing Nazis. Doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, remembering the human potential destroyed by war is important. Thinking about ideas like sacrifice, patriotism and service are important.

I've had multiple prog friends talk shit about war worship and all that, but that isn't what the day is about for me. I've read the letters my uncle sent home, before he got mowed down by a machine gun in France. What happened to him changed my family forever. As a result of his death, my great great Grandfather took over the farm - his brother was older and it was supposed to go to him.

When WWII came around, my Grandfather was exempt from the draft in order to focus on producing food and luxury goods for the troops (at one point we were growing sixteen different crops). So in many ways, this relative I've never met very well could have saved my Grandfather's life, and by extension, my life. As my dad wasn't born until the war had essentially wrapped up, it could be that his sacrifice made it possible for me to be alive today. I don't take that lightly.
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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby John Galt » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:02 am

holy shit jimmy

my father was career military, O6. so i grew up around military. i knew lots of them. there was a lot of conservatives, no doubt, but there were also liberals. maybe among the grunts they recruit these days it's more conservative but in the officer corp i don't think it's as severe difference.

both my parents were navy. my mom's parents were rich liberals, the kind that jimmy would hate. they took the family camping in canada for the US bicentennial, for example. they were communist sympathizer liberals the kind jimmy thinks they all are, but these ones were the real deal. my grandfather's brother was arrested with some bomb plot? or they actually did bomb and kill people i think... in any event, their college freshman daughter ended up going out with some ROTC senior who was basically everything they were not. my father, who came from a poor family, was then told by her father that he had to pay for her education if he was going to marry her. so, my mom ended up joining ROTC as well. and the point is, people join ROTC so their college is paid for, liberals and conservatives alike

in the military of course there is authoritarian structure that must be followed without question. but this says nothing of their politics. just because you must obey an order doesn't mean you are ordered to vote for anyone. you obey the order because everyone is counting on you and people can die if you don't.

i think the problem with the military is there is not enough diversity (not of skin color really but from where people come from). and this is because other people go to war. some areas feel the war deeply, others, it's not even an issue, they don't even know anyone in the military let alone dying. i think we should have mandatory national service, of which military can be an option.

like i said perhaps most grunts these days are conservative because of where they are recurited from, but not all of them. and those who use it for an education are certianly not overwhelming conservative. my dad is on his second career working as a civilian with the army. he's friends with this tiny young (attractive......) puerto rican woman; you can correctly guess her politics in one guess. and yet, she's in the actual army. she comes over to my parents house to shoot guns with us and eat white people food. she seems to have a good time, but we stay away from politics, because there's no point in ruining our good time. if you started saying that shit at our house jimmy with her there? you'd be out the door into the 12 degree cold without a minnesota goodbye; it would be under a minute, goodbye. these liberals are literally putting their lives on the line so they can pay for college and "be lazy" as you put it. f**k off
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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby NAB » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:18 am

I’ve heard it mentioned before, but the MAGA chud doesn’t really respect the troops (see Trump), but they sure fetishize the militarization of LEO and the trappings of a police state.

These f**k are always the first to wave a flag in your face or tell you to love it or leave it. They can all go f**k all the way off with their fake, ignorant version of supposed patriotism.
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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby exploited » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:22 am

Last edited by exploited on Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Democrats should immediately confront the minimum wage r

Postby John Galt » Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:23 am

Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
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