by uebermann » Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:18 am
I still stand by my first response here in that it is very unlikely Russia will invade.
They had to make this show of force - in their eyes - so they had a better position at the bargaining table. This is pretty much all economic. They don't want more sanctions dropped on them and want to keep making money from fossil fuel sales in Europe. Sabre rattling to get attention and then be appeased.
Russia had a weak hand, they had to bluff to get more money into the pot. Again - in their eyes. They really don't want more sanctions dropping on them due to all the cyber shit they are doing. So you stage an event like this, get the west to concede on sanctions that would likely come soon due to their cyber crimes against them, and get the west to back down on all of this and end up in a better overall economic position. Putin looks strong (still) to his supporters and keeps the power struggle in the country to an absolute minimum.
I guess the secondary hope is that the next move Russia makes is largely ignored as well if they pick a smaller target. Which I think we kinda have going on atm anyways.
I have some friends in Ukraine and Russia and its interesting to see their perspectives on all of this. The US and Russia really aren't all that different in the end. Think that was pretty evident under Trump but people still don't realize all the similarities between our countries at times and all the hatred pointed at the Russian people seems pretty dumb, as it is almost like looking in a mirror lol.
I feel pretty bad for Ukraine overall because most of them have just utter shit lives it seems. No jobs, no money, government seems to be virtually corrupt (though the current doesn't seem as bad at least), so most of the people want change and the older crowd sees Putin as some manly man that can muscle his way into the country and make sweeping, positive changes. Obvious that wouldn't be the outcome but its what they think would happen.
Keeping a peoples from drowning is really the ideal way to keep them from revolting or even really caring about politics too much. I see it when I talk to people that have barely anything and they just say all they are trying to do is survive and they don't even bother with news. Russia either attacks or it doesn't. So long as there's no actual war going on in their area and they can continue life mostly normal, they really could care less who is in charge.