by Indy » Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:03 am
The reason this is an eye-opener to most people is that they've been conditioned to equate welfare/food stamps = black.
The narrative has always been: look at all those black people sponging off you, hard-working white man! Same with food stamps. You have to go out and work, to fund these people who are using welfare to by iPhones and flatscreens and live on the dole!
There was a CBS news segment not too long ago about people who had been thrown out of work (you know, by the black guys running Wall St. and their b.s.) and had to rely on food banks and charity. They were all white. I would suspect they weren't all Democrats either. A lot of them had kids and seemed like decent, honest people who wanted so bad to be back working and having some self-esteem.
I wondered how that video would go over in front of a Tea Party crowd, when they saw that what they've been fed for years had been propaganda. Still wonder.