Boris, don't think for a second that I don't want to influence what happens in Syria, or any other corner of the globe. I do. I want to make every country in the world reliant upon the US, to think like we do, to buy what we buy, etc. I want them to all install democracies. I want them to all be capitalistic. I want them to recognize the same legal rights that we do, and treat each other the same (or better).
But, the way to do that is NOT to send in troops. You don't win hearts and minds by sending in guys with bombs. You win hearts and minds by putting up McDonalds' on every corner. By getting Coca-Cola to sponsor everything. By getting them to care about the things that American's care about.
I know this sounds stupid, but how many terroristic activities do you think that the TX/LA/MS/AL/FL region would undertake during college football season?
Get people around the world hooked on consumerism, and they'll worry far less about Sunnism/Shiiteism/whatever-ism.
Yeah, consumerism isn't the greatest aspiration for people to have. But, it's a damn sight better than killing people who believe differently.