by Mr.Bill » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:06 am
If this extortion by the GOP works this time the Dems most certainly will use it in the future.. Remember this shutdown really isn't all about Obamacare.. Much of this is just the GOP sticking it to Obama.. They've said a bunch of times they will not do ANYTHING to help him, will not negotiate with him, will not compromise with him.. Much of this tactic by the GOP is simply spite and revenge.
Same with this debt ceiling fights.. The GOP don't give a rats ass about cutting the debt and deficit. Romney was running for Prez saying he would slash taxes and he would INCREASE defense spending $200 billion a year! Yeah, increase spending and lower taxes, that's really going to cut the debt! LOL These debt ceiling fights are all about who's in the WH.. That's all,
The Dems are certainly capable of spite and revenge too..