Here's the problem. What has worked to reduce the total amount of crime in the past may not work anymore.
In the 90's, four factors accounted for the reduction in crime:
- More police
- More prisoners
- Crash of the crack/cocaine market
- Abortions made legal 20 years earlier
Fast forward to today.
- Are more police going to help? Probably not much. We've reached some kind of critical mass, where more of something doesn't translate into the same outcome.
- Are more people in prison going to help? Doubtful, for the same critical mass reason.
- Should we expect a crash of any kind of drug market? I doubt it, as the the VAST majority of drug arrests come from pot (9871 out of 18,840 for sale/distribute arrests, and 90,927 out of 111,477 for possession arrests - ... 2s0328.pdf). And, pot simply doesn't lead to the same kind of crime as did crack/cocaine.
- Should we look for a massive reduction in the types of people predisposed to crime that resulted from Roe v Wade? Nope, as abortion has been legal for a while, that effect has already been realized.
So, what's the answer? Hell if I know. If I did, you could expect to see me installed as the next Chicago or NYC Police Commissioner. But, I can say that it won't be what led to the crime reductions seen in the 90s.