by Libertarian602 » Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:44 am
Abortion- Find it barbaric would never support it personally, but wouldn't have it illegal
Gay marriage/polygamy/gay polygamy- whatever I don't care
Gay adoption- all for it, loving homes are better than foster homes
Affirmative action- hate it, find it hypocritical
Race relations- Apathetic
Taxation- income taxes are immoral, in favor of consumption taxes
Gun rights- all in favor
Seperation of church/state- works for me, but seeing it abused to stifle free speech
Conservation- all for it, until it gets absurd
Energy- Oil/renewable/nuke/ect- a multi pronged approach makes sense
Immigration- free for all won't work, streamline the process
Foreign policy- hugs not bombs
States rights- yep
Drugs- decriminalize them, but won't sit there and pretend everything will be hunky dory afterwards
Public sector unions- need to be done away with
Private sector unions- fine by me, with the exception of being forced to join one to work
School choice- in favor
Death penalty- against it
“Liberty has not only enemies which it conquers, but perfidious friends, who rob the fruits of its victories: Absolute democracy, socialism.”
-Lord Acton