Ah, Yes...The Ol' "Double Irish" and "Dutch Sandwich" Trick

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Re: Ah, Yes...The Ol' "Double Irish" and "Dutch Sandwich" Tr

Postby Dylan » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:50 am

Franz that's inaccurate. The US currently uses such a structure and allows regulatory agencies to issue definitions. Once the supporting legislation is in place it can be quite effective. Of course people can go to court but I don't see why judges would categorically rule against te enforcement agency because of "judicial creep." Courts will look to whether the promulgated regulation is within the authority granted by Congress to the administrative agency. In most cases the regulation will be upheld.

You don't need to send people around the world you simply require companies report such transactions. It's easiest with public companies since you can require that officers sign off on financial statements thus making them personally liable for shenanigans. Put somebody's on pocketbook on the line and the ompany they run starts to act right pretty quickly.

I still don't even know what you mean by real time monitoring. Can you explain it in a more coherent manner?

Prof I can't do that. Sorry. I can only talk about stuff that doesn't directly overlap with my area of practice.

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