You seem to think they're making nuanced arguments about what the Constitution says the fed should and shouldn't do.
I'll keep that in mind when they declare that the gov't is the root of all evil, that it's the problem, that it needs to be starved until it's emaciated enough to be "drowned in the bathtub." We need to strip it down to nothing more than something that provides a military, apparently--because corporations solve ALL our problems! Didn't you hear? The market will police itself, just like it did in 2008.
You know, and the Constitution totally says this.
Then these same bozos when they invade someplace like Iraq or Afghanistan, what's the first thing they do in their bumbling, failed attempts at nation-building? They tried to set up a strong centralized, federal gov't.
Let's keep electing clowns who say gov't is worthless, who then prove it--after we put them in charge of it.
Who claim to worship the Constitution but can't wait to dispense with the very gov't structure that it set up.