by Indy » Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:28 am
Yes, I GET that, really. And that's the point. They don't get riled up about it because they don't know what it is, and how much of a threat to them--and their liberty--it is.
Exactly. Which is the plan. Make anything into a left/right issue, and the right will predictably ignore it considering it much ado about nothing.
I also don't see them getting riled up about the NSA thing, which makes even less sense from a bunch of people who don't want Big Gubmint raiding their homes at night. In fact, the FOX-osphere has been eviscerating Rand Paul for taking on the NSA spying, claiming that the next terrorist attack is blood on his hands for opposing it.
Now, that's a special kind of stupid right there, that is.