Remember, folks, antifa and their supporters are fundamentally childish people. They really and truly don't understand how this plays in wider society. Oh, sure, they understand that the normies don't like it, but they honestly believe they are accomplishing things that are both noteworthy and important.
You see, for most people, it is completely normal to have fantasies about dropping out of civil society, burning your own path and really going hard against the injustices of this world. But part of that normality is eventually realizing that humanity does not often move quickly - and when it does, the bodies pile up in short order. This is why people "sell out" - i.e. become productive members of society, pursuing their political goals in socially acceptable ways, doing all the boring and non-adventurous stuff like door-knocking and mailing lists and town halls, etc. It isn't glorious or exciting - after all, there is never a need to cover your face in a black mask and punch people in the head, then go break store windows in defiance of the capitalist machine. And it is actually way more difficult, because you can't just start hitting people, you have to appeal to their interests, emotions or sensibilities. You may even have to spend time with people you don't like, working with them and talking to them and perhaps even helping them as a means of building a better relationship.
What it comes down to is the same urges and inclinations that drive radicalism in every culture - we could be talking about jihadists, or cult members, or the Nazis themselves. Obviously we can't equivocate here - I'm referring to the more general driving forces behind these mindsets. Alienation, social inadequacy, out of control idealism, impatience and a total rejection of alternative ways of thinking. Sad to see a guy like Comrade caught up - even just passively - in that kind of retardation.