Just because the Gov gives you an account, don't mean you have to use it. Think it is a great idea for those using Gov funds. Anyone paid by the Gov. It is our taxes putting that money out to pay Senator's, congressman (women), welfare checks. Even a bank generally wants to know how your using a loan they give you. A car, a home etc... Matter of fact, the bank writes the check right to the mortgage or car seller to make sure that is where large loans are being spent.
If you get tax back at the end of year, they put it in your Gov account, you can always remove that money and put it into any account you chose. I would put limits on welfare though. I think most people are ok with people getting assistance. Just we don't like how some of them spend it. Steak and crab every night, or chicken and burgers. Fruit instead of candy. Can average how much goes to living expenses, rent, food, clothes... instead of drugs, candy, or steak every night. It is money given NOT earned. They want to buy luxuries, they need to work for it. Steak once in a while, a bit of candy, but not overdone.
You want our - my money (taxes) you spend it the way we-I want. You want to buy what you want, work for it.
I think that is why there are so many discussed with welfare. Which makes it hard for those who are in a tight spot and need the help and those who abuse it. Those using welfare (our money) for help, should not be able to take cash out (or to much out) for drugs, partying,...... They should be made to use a debit to purchase gas, food , rent...... You earn your money, it's nobodies business how you spend it. You use other peoples money, they have every right to know how it is being spent.