Re: Israeli government selectively promoting birth control..
Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:26 pm
by The Comrade
stories like this make it hard for me to consider the holocaust a bad thing.
Re: Israeli government selectively promoting birth control..
Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:32 pm
by cool_chick
Ohmigod, this is terrible.
Re: Israeli government selectively promoting birth control..
Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:36 pm
by The Comrade
of course i'm being hyperbolic but jesus christ israel is such a mistake. and it's only going to get worse. they're shifting more and more to the right and are becoming more and more fascistic with each generation. it's actually pretty funny that the states around israel are becoming democratic while they slowly become tyrannical.
Re: Israeli government selectively promoting birth control..
Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:24 pm
by Nico
Israel, a paradox wrapped in an enigma. The ethiopians in question not only have the Jewish faith, but can prove genealogy tracing their actual ancestry, so the question here is not a matter of Israel losing 'Jewishness', whatever that is these days, but losing its 20th century white [ukranian/ polish/ german] character. That makes the actions disappointing on so many levels:
Jewishness is a faith not a race. The genes in question aren't unique to just jewish people in the area. Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians in general share all the same markers. So an attempt to manipulate the demographic for reasons that have nothing to do with the already dubious aim of creating a unique religious enclave, speaks of some need for the light skinned people there to keep the place white or at least suppress the black.
It's pretty much eugenics. The thing they were running from in Europe.
Depressing. The one thing I do like about Israel though, is that you can also count on other Israelis to be the ones to find this stuff out and make a fuss. Just like vanunu did when he uncovered the nuclear enrichment programme.
If Israel wants to be viable for the next 100 years, which it could be [I mean let's face it, there are superb aspects of the national psyche and work ethic] then it's going to have to work on what it means to be Israel. It's going to have to be a bigger and more inclusive concept than just a religious island.
Re: Israeli government selectively promoting birth control..
Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:27 pm
by The Dude
The US did the same thing to Puerto Rico and to poor black people in the state of Georgia. Our hands ain't clean, either.