Re: "Fix it" ticket checkpoints
Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:17 pm
by Aaron
So how is this new and horrible and different from the last 20 years of my driving history and misc fixit tickets from having marker lights out, license plate lights out.... etc... ?
Re: "Fix it" ticket checkpoints
Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:34 am
by dontworrybehappy
Last time I checked, LEO didn't mean law enforcement official, it meant law enforcement officer. A bit different but the same idea.
Carry on. ... -leo-mean/
Re: "Fix it" ticket checkpoints
Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:53 pm
by John Galt
i was driving home the other day when i noticed about 30 feet in front of me off on the breakdown/turn lane (this is a county road) a woman driving a van at about 15 miles under the speed limit. it was night time, couldn't see anything and she was in entire stealth mode. not a single light. that's extremely dangerous, and, in fact i think it would have been less dangerous to drive in the lane even if your lights didn't work. at one point the breakdown lane disappears because of a train overpass, and others it turns into turn lanes. and of course someone could be broken down themselves in the breakdown lane
ive seen people driving who i thought were motorcycles because of their light issues. no, they were actually driving halfway in my lane coming towards me
i dont see anything wrong with these types of things. they do enhance public safety. sure it lines their coffers too, but it does help to ensure people are driving safely
Re: "Fix it" ticket checkpoints
Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:12 pm
by eynon81
oh man I can just imagine the DUI and Possession charges that are going to arise from this!