Re: Let's redesign some states!

Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:52 am
by Charai
I love when people talk about creating "super states" that would have the population and GDP of San Jose.
Re: Let's redesign some states!

Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:09 am
by Professor
Pretty much most states feel like this. There are disparate populations throughout. Lower MS is heavily touristy, reliant upon gambling beaches, and fairly liberal. Upper MS is typical conservative redneck country. Louisiana is the same. Southeast Louisiana has 2/3 the population, the capitol, New Orleans, pro sports teams, all the tourist dollars, etc. Northern LA is redneckville, Christian-conservative, etc.
I imagine that CA is similar. LA/SF/SD is "typical" CA. But, then you've got northern CA including the capitol, which is totally different. NY is the same - NYC vs the rest of the state.
I know for a fact that NJ would choose to be split - half go with NYC and half with Philly (was told this by several natives, and saw it for myself in service stations that sold PHL stuff in south Jersey and NYC stuff in north Jersey).
Re: Let's redesign some states!

Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:23 am
by Homer
How about making Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island into one state? Tidy up that North-East corner a bit.
Re: Let's redesign some states!

Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:26 am
by eric
The good thing about these splits is that it allows for better government. Probably won't happen, but it would be good if it did.