Make constitutional violations criminal?

This is only a half-baked idea stemming from some half-baked musing about how our little band of half-baked miscreants could actually do something about the federals stomping all over our beloved bill of rights. But what if we were to pass a state law stating, more or less, that any government employee who intentionally breaks the Bill of Rights is guilty of...I dunno, a low-level felony?
I've recently discovered that it's not too hard to use popular initiatives to change my own states' constitution, the little group I helped start is doggedly pushing for the repeal of Colorado's magazine bans. There would be all kinds of hurdles to overcome, but a nothing that couldn't be overcome with a night of brain-storming and beer with some like minded legal scholars.
Here's a link to one of the big issues we'd have to overcome: ... ted_States
I've recently discovered that it's not too hard to use popular initiatives to change my own states' constitution, the little group I helped start is doggedly pushing for the repeal of Colorado's magazine bans. There would be all kinds of hurdles to overcome, but a nothing that couldn't be overcome with a night of brain-storming and beer with some like minded legal scholars.
Here's a link to one of the big issues we'd have to overcome: ... ted_States