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Google to Apple: "Actually, Go screw yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:03 am
by Sazari
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go f**k yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:27 am
by Ikari
I hate Apple anyway.
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go f**k yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:30 am
by Dylan
haha. i'm like 90% sure aapl could buy a controlling share in google with cash they have laying around the office.
not that you can do that to get out of a lawsuit, but still. google's just a little guy compared to aapl.
and yes, it's a good time to be a litigator in silicon valley. raking in cash hand over fist. any idea who counsel is?
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go f**k yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:31 am
by PoS
This in a way is a direct consequence to the Apple Samsung lawsuit decision. I am all for open source so I hope Google wins.
Hey Ikari, long time no see. Glad another member of the Illuminati is here.

Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go f**k yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:38 am
by Sazari
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go f**k yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:43 am
by Dylan
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go f**k yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:59 am
by Sazari
No clue. Don't know much about them bit mofo destroyed then just a week ago in the samsung case so I'm not quite sure why google would hand them something so similar so soon
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go f**k yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:03 am
by jurupa
For those that are interested in what exact patents Google is suing over and more exactly for what here's a good break down: ... e-details/
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go screw yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:40 am
by Mr.Bill
Listening to an almost completely closed hardware and software company like Apple use the word 'open' will be kind of funny.
I'm not a lawyer, so this is only a guess but because the children can't play nice eventually it looks like the USSC will have to get involved and make a ruling on all this nonsense..
Re: Google to Apple: "Actually, Go screw yourself"

Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:21 am
by mirage
I've always hated Apple. I appreciate their technology but it's never worth the inflated prices and consumer restrictions that they impose on their gullible fan-boy consumers. And as a part-time musician, I am soooo tired of hearing that "PC is for business, Mac is for creativity" bullshit. So not true, I'll take my Cubase and PC over Pro-Tools and Mac any day and when I was at Warner Studios back 2000 I watched the Macs being tossed in the trash like empty beer bottles.
Truth is, Mac hasn't had an edge on PC-based media platforms since the late 80's.
So on one hand I'm glad to see Google stick it to big-headed Apple. But on the other hand I'm really hoping Google isn't turning into Apple in the process.