The Decline Continues
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:46 am
In the image below you can see the changing socioeconomic status of Chicago residents from 1970 to 2012. Grey represents households with wealth within +- 25% of the median.
While the populace is distracted with the culture war of gun control and gay marriage, outrages blown out of proportion and that have limited impacts on the population at large, whether it is the statistically small number of people getting gay married or shot to death, the decline of the middle class, the decline of wealth in the U.S. and growing wealth inequality are bigger concerns. To be fair Chicago is worse hit than many other cities, but it highlights a disturbing trend of what happens when you ship jobs overseas, crush unions, and let globalization run rampant. ... your-eyes/
While the populace is distracted with the culture war of gun control and gay marriage, outrages blown out of proportion and that have limited impacts on the population at large, whether it is the statistically small number of people getting gay married or shot to death, the decline of the middle class, the decline of wealth in the U.S. and growing wealth inequality are bigger concerns. To be fair Chicago is worse hit than many other cities, but it highlights a disturbing trend of what happens when you ship jobs overseas, crush unions, and let globalization run rampant. ... your-eyes/