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Should vaccination be mandatory?
Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:28 pm
by exploited
Should vaccination be mandatory?
Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:48 pm
by Aaron
No, no one should be forced to inject massive amounts of foreign products into their children... Without guarantees it will work... Which there never are... We did partial vaccinations... The essentials... Many do none.... If theres an outbreak... The vaccinated shall rule the world. Except they wont, because a large percentage of them will die too. As recent American maps have shown, outbreaks have been massively incongruent with Anti-vacc populations.
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:13 pm
by exploited
That's the thing about herd immunity though. The impact of vaccination is exponentially greater past a certain point. Vaccinated people can still catch the disease, but it is far less likely for most people who get vaccinated. This prevents the disease from reaching the breakout point through propagation. This directly decreases incidences, and other studies have shown the correlation between anti-vaccination beliefs and outbreaks.
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:44 pm
by The Comrade
yes. not vaccinating is a risk to your children and your entire community. it's akin to shitting in the water supply.
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:30 am
by Spider
We've grown complacent. Not many serious epidemics in living of course people start thinking that this amazing relatively disease free paradise we're living in is the natural condition, rather than something we've artificially provided for via massive vaccination campaigns.
Eventually we'll have a big outbreak of something....countless lives will be lost....and then everyone will be lining up for those shots with conviction once again.
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:43 am
by Stratego
Nobody should be forced to vaccinate. Vaccination is unnatural.
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:33 am
by Winchester
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:07 am
by Philly
Yes they should be mandatory. Your right to be afraid of science doesn't trump everyone else's right not to be victims of a plague cause of your irrational fears.
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:37 am
by Professor
Vaccinations should not be mandatory . . . if you can guarantee that, when you get sick, you will not spread the disease to another person.
But, since that is not possible, then yes, they should be mandatory.
Your rights end where another person's rights begin. If you cannot guarantee that you will not infect someone else, then you must be vaccinated. Or, if you refuse, then you will be placed in a situation, against your will, where you cannot infect people.
The US has a basic law about this. Not state, but US. In the case of an epidemic, the US government has 2 options. They can go door to door, forcing people to take a cure/vaccine/ect. And, if the person there refuses, they may be jailed until such time as the outbreak has subsided, or you take the vaccine/cure/etc.
Re: Should vaccination be mandatory?
Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:54 am
by John Galt
if i ran a school i would mandate it if you wanted to be in that school, outbreak or no outbreak.
issue can be sidestepped with changing how schools are attended and paid for (vouchers) but i think you are an idiot if you do not vaccinate your child. its endangering the child and the other children. without human hosts, many of these viruses have no where to go. but some of them are harbored in animals, others, from people overseas (the somolians here have a habit of 1. having diseases that you can get vaccinated against and 2. not getting vaccinated because allah akbar). and then your kid, you moron, is going to be harboring it and spreading it. in your kid it might mutate into something worse and put us all at risk