Re: U.S. Exceptionalism in Being a Police/Prison State
Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:28 pm
by Philly
In b4 the non. Great thread. The militarization of our police force has been a growing problem and one that no one wants to address because it's politically preferable to let this and our prison epidemic fester than be "soft on crime". Despicable.
Re: U.S. Exceptionalism in Being a Police/Prison State
Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:35 pm
by eynon81
prison nation is the twisted off-spring of "progressivism" both left and right wing.
Re: U.S. Exceptionalism in Being a Police/Prison State
Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:47 pm
by Indy
Could you elaborate? In layman's terms please--it's Monday.
Re: U.S. Exceptionalism in Being a Police/Prison State
Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:48 pm
by eynon81
btw....the militarization is in no small part due to the Federal government. They provide much of the funding, equipment and incentive for local cops to militarize*.
*although in many cases it's probably not a hard sell.
Re: U.S. Exceptionalism in Being a Police/Prison State
Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:06 pm
by Professor
I live in one such "podunk". Little bitty micro-burb of New Orleans. In 2012, we had 1 murder, 1 rape, 3 robberies, 9 assaults, 27 burglaries, 86 thefts, 6 auto thefts, and 2 arsons. Yet, our lovely police force found it necessary to buy a surplus 6x6 armored personnel carrier.
However, the fallout from this was that the police chief resigned and we have a new guy in office now - one who has promised to sell the APC and use the money to buy 2 golf carts and 4 bikes and send officers on patrol in these (makes the officers much more accessible for citizens than if they were in a car, which they still have 6 of).