Should People Be Required To Obtain A Parenting License In O
Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:33 am
by SmithSmith
Constantly, over and over again, there are parents who aren't even fit, whether it be financially or mentally, to even raise a child, that have a baby. These children have to suffer through a terrible childhood, and become mentally or physically damaged. A parenting license would not take away anyone's chance of having a child.
Re: Should People Be Required To Obtain A Parenting License
Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:15 am
by Libertarian602
Let's forget about the fact that you're willing to forfeit the ability to make personal decision to some sort of government authority, which I find pretty contemptuous. You claim that having to apply for a lincense won't prevent anyone from having a kid, then my would you need to get a lincense in the first place?
You didn't put much thought into this SmithBot.