I've been told Bernie isn't an "establishment" politician by millennials even though he's been working in government since before they were born. His plans for paying for public education and healthcare in the US are a joke; if he thinks we can afford that in a nation of 320 million plus millions of illegal immigrants, he's a moron. Finland had to get rid of their welfare and social security programs even after taxing everyone making above 40K at 51% income tax in favor of literally giving free money to everyone in their country. Look up any European country Bernie Sanders is infatuated with and you'll see 40%+ tax rates for even the middle-class. Not just the rich pay enormous taxes in these countries to make these programs work. He thinks he can pay for all of that by only taxing those making $3 million or more? Where are these people? Income inequality remember? He essentially wants to raise taxes on the 1% of the 1% of income earners, which is at best thousands of people (as of 2011 only around 235,000 people made at least a million a year or more in the US), to pay for public education, when his favorite European countries tax everyone making a decent income at 40-50%. Let's not forget that Democrats aren't democratic socialists either, not just Republicans. Do you really think the Democrats, who love capitalism just as much as any American even if they're social liberals, are gonna play ball when all of their corporate backers are facing huge tax increases under sanders?
No. Just no. There's a reason the DNC wants Hilary and not Bernie.