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Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:34 am
by Dylan
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:38 am
by Saz
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:39 am
by Dylan
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:45 am
by spacemonkey
What do you mean, corn don't come from a can?
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:49 am
by Saz
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:49 am
by Medius
The problem with studying a generation is that politics tend to shift as people age as well. So what looks like a generation gap, may be an age gap.
Also, socialism is just as inviting to lazy narcissists as it is to philanthropic populists. A generation of people who have things they'd much rather be doing that working and facing an entire life-time of mind-numbing drugery, are certainly going to think how great it would be if the government would just give them enough to get by. You have a group of people that would likely be fine for quite a while, eating Ramen, drinking off-brand soda, and playing computer games all day long. With online social networking and the sheer depth of entertainment available, there is far less drive for needing something to do (work) and to define oneself by monetary accomplishment (work). One can now gain social status through a myriad of non-work related avenues.
Another complicated factor is that we are in a gold rush right now. Everyone is heading west (online) to hit it big (youtube, twitch, etc..) and will soon figure out that only a few are actually going to strike gold. And to make it all worse, it isn't even random luck that is going to be the big determination as these people are putting their fates in the hands of businesses. Twitch and Youtube have already begun focusing in their business models on the favored and friendly contributors and shifting an even playing field of competition to a programmed entertainment venue.
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:50 am
by exploited
In my small-town life, I'm seeing a tremendous amount of Millenia involvement in every aspect of the towns social structure. A group of us just organized a relay for life after the Canadian Cancer Society pulled out of the town, and it is a great success already, with nearly a thousand people already signed up. We've also started attending council meetings to advocate for stuff that will benefit us and the community, such as municipal internet, better libraries, more food drives for the disadvantaged, etc.
It had been interesting because this is the time when so many of us are starting families, running our own businesses, etc., and the older crowd is starting to take note of the social power we have. We've stepped on some toes, and there has been some backlash, but it's interesting because so far nobody else has been able to present such a united front. The people I work with that are my age are deeply non-ideological. There is none of this liberal v. conservative bullshit, it is just people forming opinions based upon what they think is right, not according to any overarching philosophy. This makes it much harder for the old boys clubs and various retarded conservatives to divide us, so the end result is us having far more punching power than our weight.
By far the most interesting thing is that the millenials are not bogged down by racism towards Mennonites and Amish... Which means that we are able to form really large interest groups that were previously excluded, and are now alot bigger than the opposition. Good times.
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:58 am
by Medius
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:06 pm
by Indy
Well for certain Millenials are going to eat it when it comes to the failed polices/lack of action by gov't when gov't became about simply staying in office and installing plutocracy.
From climate change denial--so long, Miami!--to the insane redistribution of wealth upward to the failed middle east policies to leaving Wall St. virtually unregulated, all the pieces are in place for multiple catastrophic events to occur in the next few years. I wonder what gov't will say after the next Wall St. meltdown--which WILL happen, and it will result in a depression. Oh wait I already know that: "Nobody could have imagined!"
Sorry millenials, some of us tried.
Tip: none of this changes until the media here does.
Re: Millennials: The Self-Reliant Generation
Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:31 pm
by IndependentProfessor