The Red Line crossed again

the Red Line was the worst geopolicial blunder by any president in living memory. yes, i am including iraq. why is it so awful? well we need only look at crimea and the south china sea for answers. by not honoring our word, we are leaving a vaccum that is quickly being filled. if the damage is not controlled we could be looking at some serious conflicts in the short term.
enter: a chance for redemption
syrians have used chemical weapons again, killing dozens of children, with an air attack: ... ia-attack/
this attack comes days after Tillerson said that the US doens't have any interest in regime change. well, they can't be allowed to do this. President Donald Trump should now attack Russian-ally Syria. this will demonstrate he is not under Putin's thumb and be used to warn a belligerent North Korea to knock it off, as well as Russia and China that the US will not tolerate their actions, and the US will back up what we said even if it was said by a previous administration and they totally dropped the ball
enter: a chance for redemption
syrians have used chemical weapons again, killing dozens of children, with an air attack: ... ia-attack/
this attack comes days after Tillerson said that the US doens't have any interest in regime change. well, they can't be allowed to do this. President Donald Trump should now attack Russian-ally Syria. this will demonstrate he is not under Putin's thumb and be used to warn a belligerent North Korea to knock it off, as well as Russia and China that the US will not tolerate their actions, and the US will back up what we said even if it was said by a previous administration and they totally dropped the ball