Flint Town

I've watched some of this show now. It is heart wrenching and interesting and very well done.
They are quick to point out that there are 98 officers working in a city of 100k.
I haven't seen a whole lot of the show yet, but I was wondering if somebody could shed light on why the water and policing hasn't been subsidised by the federal or state government? I mean it seems simple to me that the feds or somebody could send in 50 officers at a fairly minimal expense, and have them help the department reform and retool. And the water issue kind of speaks for itself... When you have that many people it only makes sense to address the most important requirement of human life. Plus the known impacts of lead poisoning on aggressive and violent behaviour are pretty significant.
Shit, I wouldn't even mind sending over some Mounties or something to help out. Crazy to see that reality in the first world, and so close by. The only thing I can compare it to is how we treat our indigenous population here, although the scope of the crisis is much less.
They are quick to point out that there are 98 officers working in a city of 100k.
I haven't seen a whole lot of the show yet, but I was wondering if somebody could shed light on why the water and policing hasn't been subsidised by the federal or state government? I mean it seems simple to me that the feds or somebody could send in 50 officers at a fairly minimal expense, and have them help the department reform and retool. And the water issue kind of speaks for itself... When you have that many people it only makes sense to address the most important requirement of human life. Plus the known impacts of lead poisoning on aggressive and violent behaviour are pretty significant.
Shit, I wouldn't even mind sending over some Mounties or something to help out. Crazy to see that reality in the first world, and so close by. The only thing I can compare it to is how we treat our indigenous population here, although the scope of the crisis is much less.