Re: Legal Eagle: 2012-2013 Supreme Court Docket
Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:12 pm
by Professor
My prediction?
That anyone supporting the overturn of AA in this thread will be labeled a racist.
Re: Legal Eagle: 2012-2013 Supreme Court Docket
Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:10 pm
by Professor
OK, then I'll wade in with both feet.
Race should never be used as a factor when deciding on employment, admissions, receipt of public funds, or almost any other choice. When these types of choices are made, a reason must be documented OTHER than race why one person was chosen over another. The government shall continue to monitor for discriminatory actions or discriminatory effects (ie: policies that are not racially discriminatory in and of themselves, but result in discrimination), and punish as necessary to remedy the situation and disuade future discriminatory actions.
Re: Legal Eagle: 2012-2013 Supreme Court Docket
Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:03 pm
by Sazari
But it's efficient. You want to do something inefficient because it's not "fair" in a somewhat marginal way?