This is a screen capture of the smilie menu next to the quick reply box at the bottom of every post. The black squares flicker on and off in random patterns so it's pretty annoying, but everything seems functional.
I've had Chrome do some other weird display rendering effects and have enabled and disabled various flags in chrome://flags which has helped before but nothing seems to resolve the issue this time. Of course if you try to contact Google they never respond. I haven't seen a similar issue being reported on any of their support forums so far.
It doesn't happen in IE9 so it's definitely a local image rendering issue specific to chrome that has something to do with whatever app renders the smilies in PHP.
Whatever, it's not that big of a deal. I could uninstall and reinstall chrome but I have dozens of accounts with different passwords at various web apps I use for work and I don;t want to f**k that shit up because I have no idea what any of them are any more so I can live with it until finally gets fully corrupted and crashes and I am forced to deal with it. lol