Well hopefully uber will weigh in on the discussion... We're all different in what sets us off and clear cut isn't always an exact science. That being said if something is really upsetting go ahead and report it if it falls into the meh category, not overly inflammatory it might be better to let it go. My problem with lots and lots of reports to look at is sometimes the more serious matters get overlooked, just in trying to deal with the sheer number of reports. There's judgement involved and for the most part (speaking for me only) I try to err on letting things go. Am I infallible, nope, I'm as susceptible to making errs in judgement as the next and if I do there are uber, precocity and NAB to bounce things off of so at least we can come to some sort of a consensus.
I don't know if this helps at all, but I really don't want to go down the road of being a "hard ass" on stuff, nor do I want vitriol to overtake our community.