by Darkhorse » Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:17 pm
I'm worried you're making a bad decision here, Chris. Is this really what you want? PCF isn't your normal political forum and we are not your normal members. We are like the Imperial Japanese soldiers who stayed in the jungle until the 1960s because they didn't realize the war was over. We're the starving rat that ate all the other, weaker, starving rats. If you put a drop of us into a petri dish with healthy human cells, we will kill them and then each other. Our parents were siblings, they had a dozen f**k up, incest babies but, unlike the other children, our genetic disorders only made us stronger. Your forum cannot deal with us. We will kill it. Don't rush into this.
Also, Patriotic Voices sounds like a CD compilation of nationalistic songs peddled to the elderly during an On The Record W/ Greta Van Susteren commercial break.