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New rule about quotes in sig
Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:00 am
by OGPhilly
If you think someone had a really clever line or made a really good point and want to quote them in your sig in a respectful manner, can you do so if you get their permission first?
Re: New rule about quotes in sig
Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:14 am
by uebermann
We'll update the rules shortly and allow it for now, but if it becomes an issue, its going back to no quoting.
Re: New rule about quotes in sig
Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:54 am
by Precocity
As uebermann pointed out but what it really comes down to is common sense. Hijacking someone's post to sig quote them doesn't sound like it.
So it pays to be careful what you put in your sig.