by Mr.Bill » Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:49 am
Nixon was actually a very good president. But even though he had NOTHING to do with the Watergate break-in he felt he had to cover and lie for the guys who did, and that sunk him..
Reagan was a very good leader. I don't agree with all of his policies, but can't take away the fact he was a damn good leader. And, IMO, that's 50% of being a good president.
I am no fan of Kennedy, or anyone of the Kennedy's.. But he handled the Cuban Missile crisis perfectly. Someone mentioned earlier he would have been impeached if he lived. I don't get that.
Anyway I think William Shakespeare said it best:
"Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em."
In other words there is no 1 answer.