and yet no one tried to defend the indefensible the entire time
currently all western nations are representative democracies, all organizations which actively seek to subvert the will of the people through various manipulations, according to the theory that the public is too stupid and its for their own good. Well it looks like the technocrats went right ahead did what they said the public would do and arranged things so that their clique could be rich while the rest of america went through foreclosure. Does anyone dispute that corporate profits are at an all time high while wages are stagnant? The fact that wealth distribution is so skewed that some individuals have more wealth than some countries while other people have $12 a month show the actual effectivenes of this method of maintaining society. It's indefensible.
It seems like liberalism is more about maintaining and adjudicating property rights for a tiny segment of the world's population than it is about taking care of business. The economy is simply not creating opportunity for a large segment of population. That doesn't even take into account the situation in the developing world, in which people are forced to live in horrible squalor. That will only get worse as more jobs are lost to various trending influences.
Take an objective personal survey about environmental damage some time. It's a grave situation, far worse than the general public realizes. Basically we are in a period of mass extinction and it's because of us.
no one wants bad news but at some point you have face facts, the national security state is not about solving problems it's about being able to maintain control when the rug gets pulled out from under the 99%