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If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:13 am
by J.K. Gregg
A funtopic to help us get through the week.
Let's assume you have a meeting with the President and had the opportunity to ask him one question, which you're assured would be answered honestly (secrecy or national security be damned in this hypothetical). What would you ask him? I'm sure a lot of you are going to come up with some funny ones, but that's not my intent (otherwise I would have put this in the lounge). So get those out of your system. (Are you a Muslim? What's Kenya like this time of year? etcetera, etcetera)
I haven't quite picked one yet, but I'm still thinking. Some top contenders:
- Did your office intentionally obfuscate or delay releasing information about the causes of the Benghazi attack for political gain during the last months of the election?
- Why did your office, via Eric Holder, not hand over more information about Fast and Furious?
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:27 am
by Spider
1. Do you equate Benghazi lunacy with birther lunacy? I know I do.
2. Why the mom jeans? Seriously. Never wear anything but suits, Barry.
3. Does Wall Street ever give you a reach around? Or do they leave you blue balled and broken hearted?
4. What's Kenya like this time of year? (Sorry. Had to.)
5. Why did you take this long to decide to flip the bird at idiotic Republican obstructionism? I'd have rolled my eyes and ignored them after about 6 months of that Party-First-America-Second BS, not years on end.
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:38 am
by Mr.Bill
1) why the comment about shooting skeet, and then releasing a stupid picture? The 40% or so of the people you were trying to appease with that comment and picture hate your guts. No matter what you said or did they were going to mock you and not believe you... F'em..
2) Hiring Larry Summers? Tim Geitner? Seriously? Why not just put Goldman Sachs, BoA and the rest in charge of the SEC and DoJ and be done with it?
3) Droning Americans overseas without due process? WTF? Is Dick Cheney your foreign affairs adviser?
4) Both you and Hillary couldn't be found during the Benghazi attacks? Both of you, gone, couldn't be contacted? No where to be found? A little Jungle fever going on?
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:42 am
by J.K. Gregg
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:58 am
by eynon81
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:03 am
by Indy
I'd ask him: aren't you glad that birther crap finally went away... only to be replaced with the completely mind-boggling, lunatic, rabbit-boiling obsession with Behngazi?
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:11 am
by J.K. Gregg
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:11 am
by J.K. Gregg
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:15 am
by Spider
Re: If you could ask the President one question...
Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:19 am
by Indy
I'd ask something like: with our economy currently growing at only 2.2%, and now with the threat of the sequester kicking in and snuffing even that anemic growth, and with the real unemployment rate still be painfully high because too many people are in part-time jobs when they'd rather be full-time, and with so many people still underwater with their mortgages--which is a SERIOUS drag on the economy--my question is:
Where the f*** were you on the day of Benghazi?
We already know you were watching it live via video link as it happened, along with that b*** Hillary Clinton. I want answers. Now.