This is frikken bizarre, outside dark money coming in to influence a primary election for our local state house district representing about 9,000 people, WTF. I know both candidates, both are decent people. The challenger who is the benefactor of the adds (probably gonna backfire cause people are pissed) wrote in the local weekly paper that she doesn't know who these people are and why they are doing this, she's also decried the adds as being unfair to her opponent... I believe her.
Anywho anyone heard of the Conservative Majority PAC and who might be funding them, very right wing from what I can tell. Here's their MT filing a little over a week before sending out 3 full color mailings to every voter in our county. ... 38346f3900
And oh, sadly the republican primary is the real election in my county, lol. I do not think we've elected a democrat to anything during the entire history of our county.