Trump is a genius. Of course he probably hasn't paid taxes in the last 18 years. But how do you explain that politically? How do you explain to the 105 IQ redditors like spider, who have never run a business and still use turbotax, how losses can be pushed back into other years to minimize taxable income?
Well, the answer is that you ONLY release the year with the loss. Now it's clearly ingrained in the public conscious that Trump took a big loss in 95. If all the taxes came out at once, then the fact that he lost a billion dollars and used that to offset other years would be lost. But by only releasing the year with the loss, that fact comes to the forefront. If the rest of his taxes come out and they show no tax paid, Trump can easily point to 95 and say that's why he hasn't had to pay. And everyone will remember 95 because the dimwits at the NYT have made a huge story out of it.
But doesn't losing a billion dollars show Trump isn't a good businessman, the liberals will whine. Absolutely not. It shows the opposite. Here is a man who in 95 nearly lost it all, and yet today he is worth billions. Now Trump is the comeback kid. He hit a bottom and he pulled himself out of it to heights greater than anything prior. He made TRUMP great again. And he will make AMERICA great again. He really is in touch with the people - this is what America is yearning for. So many Americans have (metaphor warning for Kane) booked a billion dollar loss in the years since the crisis. They want, they demand, someone who can share that pain but who has demonstrated an ability to pick themselves up and come back greater than ever. Trump did it with his business and he can and will do it for the country.
Absolute masterstroke. I bet Trump leaked this himself.