by Spider » Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:20 pm
(Guy who clearly doesn't know what a reactionary is.)
I'm all for all kinds of (really quite draconian, actually) reforms. <--Read that sentence twice if necessary. I just don't delude myself into thinking it's a practical possibility in most cases, and thus waste energy that could be applied somewhere actually useful. Trump talking about a Mexican Wall, Carson talking about a flat tax, and Paul talking about returning to the Gold Standard...these are all example of campaign language that is 100% wasted breath, and counterproductive to informing voters on the realities of the policy their preferred candidates can actually bring about. It's all just bullshit that detracts from real issues.
Sure, a flat tax would be great. If properly instituted. And so would an end to world hunger. I'm not sure which is less likely, however.