^What he said. In terms of actual leadership, Trump is the weakest candidate in living memory. The night manager at Walmart probably displays greater leadership skills.
In a leader we expect calm, rational, informed, and measured response. We expect battles to be chosen. We expect real competence, real confidence, and at least some degree of wisdom.
In Trump by comparison what we get is someone working very hard to convey confidence in order to offset internal insecurities. Someone who confuses bluster, braggadocio, loudness, and offensiveness, with confidence. In Trump what we've actually got is a deeply insecure, scared shitless little twerp who is so terrified of his own inadequacy complex that he must answer every little jab with a wild, emotional, wholly unconsidered
tantrum. Because his insecurities force him to desperately seek to
prove something, all the time. Like a sniveling teenager. And he's pretty damn old to still be so scared of his own shadow that he's still got to be trying to prove himself to himself and everyone else on the planet.
I pity Trump, and I pity those who fall for this ridiculous loony toon show of false confidence and false competence that he displays as he panic-tweets at all hours and pisses the bed over even the most trivial slight. He has no strength as a man, and even fewer leadership qualities.
He is, quite frankly, a gigantic, gaping, kitty.
"Real leader", spacemonkey? Get a clue. We've all seen this guy before. He is the 29 year old "manager" of the 7-11 we worked at when we were 16. Puffed up chest. Jaw thrust out.
Telling it like it is from a state of perfect obliviousness and deep self-loathing and terror.