Simple topic here, the primaries are well under way, and I would like to discuss which candidate you like the most, which one you dislike the most, and which one you want to win each primary.
For me:
Democratic primary:
Candidate I like the most: Bernie Sanders
Why: I agree with him on most positions, he is unusually honest for a politician, and he makes actual policy proposals instead of vague statements.
Candidate I like the least: Hillary Clinton
Why: She's a warhawk, her financial policies favor the rich, and she does not seem honest at all.
Candidate I want to win: Joe Biden
Why: While I like Bernie Sanders more, I think Biden would have a better chance of winning the general election, and I don't want to risk a Republican becoming president.
Republican primary:
Candidate I like the most: John Kasich
Why: Not as far right wing as the other candidates, and more likeable as a person.
Candidate I like the least: Ted Cruz
Why: The single most disingenuous politician I have ever seen, and his stupid smirk annoys the hell out of me.
Candidate I want to win: Donald Trump
Why: He has zero chance of winning the general election, he bring attention to the problem of money in politics, and he's fun to watch.