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Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:03 am
by The dane
Simple topic here, the primaries are well under way, and I would like to discuss which candidate you like the most, which one you dislike the most, and which one you want to win each primary.
For me:
Democratic primary:
Candidate I like the most: Bernie Sanders
Why: I agree with him on most positions, he is unusually honest for a politician, and he makes actual policy proposals instead of vague statements.
Candidate I like the least: Hillary Clinton
Why: She's a warhawk, her financial policies favor the rich, and she does not seem honest at all.
Candidate I want to win: Joe Biden
Why: While I like Bernie Sanders more, I think Biden would have a better chance of winning the general election, and I don't want to risk a Republican becoming president.
Republican primary:
Candidate I like the most: John Kasich
Why: Not as far right wing as the other candidates, and more likeable as a person.
Candidate I like the least: Ted Cruz
Why: The single most disingenuous politician I have ever seen, and his stupid smirk annoys the hell out of me.
Candidate I want to win: Donald Trump
Why: He has zero chance of winning the general election, he bring attention to the problem of money in politics, and he's fun to watch.
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:19 am
by Motown
Democrat Primary:
Like the most: I don't like any of them
Like the least: Hilldog. Dishonest crony capitalist
Want to win: Biden. Will do the least amount of damage if elected.
Republican Primary:
Like the most: Ted Cruz. His views on how government should work align most closely with my own although I could do without the religious talk.
Like the least: Lindsey Graham. There isn't enough space on the Internet for me to detail why I despise Graham. Chris Christie runs a very close second place.
Want to win: Ted Cruz.
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:47 pm
by Edarmoc
Democratic side:
Candidate I like most: Bernie Sanders
On social issues, we're pretty damned similar. I strongly feel opposed to racially biased policing, corporatist influence in politics, and needlessly steep student loan interest rates. Bernie is definitely closest to having my interpretation on most of these issues.
Candidate I like least: Hillary Clinton (at least until Biden declares).
Seems more conservative than Bernie, and comes with a lot of lobbying backdoors to attend to.
Want to win: Whoever can appoint some liberal supreme court justices down the road (fingers crossed).
Candidate I like most: Rand Paul
Seems willing to take a nuanced stance on some foreign policy issues, and is cognizant of a lot of the hypocrisy present in current politics.
Honorable mention to John Kasich, here, who is good but a little too Jesus-y for my tastes.
Candidate I least like: Marco Rubio
Dude strikes me as being an absolute snake. An apologist for a number of destructive and unnecessary policies, and for some reason still gets cred for being a "fresh ideas man". f**k that noise.
Candidate I want to win: Donald Trump
For the entertainment value, and for the relative ease with which he'd be dispatched.
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:11 pm
by Stratego
I like Jeb Bush. If voters can get over the fact that he's the brother of GWB he has a good platform.
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:25 am
by Saz
Most: Sanders - Seems like a chill bro
Least: Clinton - Liar riding on husbands coattails
Win: Biden - f**k clinton and f**k paying more taxes
Most: Rand - legalize it
Least: Huckabee - dimwitted bible thumping moron
Win: TRUMP - The only one who can make america great again
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:38 am
by spacemonkey
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:23 am
by Winchester
Like Sanders and Kasich, Don't like Clinton or Bush, for the mostly the entertainment factor I want to see a Sanders/Trump general election.
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:24 pm
by John Galt
Like Most: Biden
Like Least: Sanders
Want to win nom: Biden. I choose Biden not because I want to see the Dems lose or win, but because if the Dems win, I don't want a terrible person to be running the country. I do think he has best chance in national though. affable, relatable guy, who, while is a bit of a goof at times is rather intelligent
Like Most: Paul
Like Least: Christie
Want to win nom: Rubio. He's basically the Republican Barack Obama and will win handily in a general. will take Kasich as his veep. While I'd perfer a libertarian, it's better to have a GOPer than a pinko in the WH if only because of the SCOTUS noms (will be hilarious if one kicks the bucket or resigns next october)
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:40 pm
by uebermann
If I had a gun to my head and had to vote for one of the major players, I'd probably vote Sanders but I likely wouldn't vote for him otherwise.
I won't vote Republican until they can get the crazy out and stop being so worried about social issues.
I'll probably throw my vote away again and go Libertarian.
Re: Which candidate do you like/dislike/want to win ?
Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:28 pm
by fstarcstar
If I was a Democrat I would pick Sanders over Hillary or anyone else, but im not voting for him regardless.
For repubs, I like Carli Fiorina, Jeb Bush and Rand Paul. Fiorina is a good opponent vs Hillary, would be interesting seeing two women battle it out for president. Jeb Bush would be good for immigration and other things. Paul would be good except he does a horrible job of PR and making himself presidential in the eyes of the public.
Trump should never be president, Carson can barely speak he's not a leader for this country, the rest are either religious zealots or a part of the political elite we don't need. Carli and Trump are outside of the political realm, we need new blood honestly.