General Election Nonsense

I would like to have a thread in which general matters about the election can be discussed. I think this will reduce clutter and we can talk about various stuff without derailing other campaign threads but we don't have to start a new thread for something that might not warrant it by itself.
My first potential topic for this new miscellaneous thread (assuming it is not promptly beheaded by our moderator staff) is this:
Cruz failed to disclose loans from GS and Citi on his FEC report.
This looks so. damn. bad. for somebody trying to run as a political outsider. I think the loans were backstopped by his own assets and to me this is NBD, but DAMN this will not play well at all in the media or when it's inevitably raised in a debate. ... .html?_r=0
My first potential topic for this new miscellaneous thread (assuming it is not promptly beheaded by our moderator staff) is this:
Cruz failed to disclose loans from GS and Citi on his FEC report.
This looks so. damn. bad. for somebody trying to run as a political outsider. I think the loans were backstopped by his own assets and to me this is NBD, but DAMN this will not play well at all in the media or when it's inevitably raised in a debate. ... .html?_r=0