by exploited » Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:57 am
The hilarious part is that the GOP is just so awful at the scandal thing. They are always blowing their load early. After eight years of effort, they only barely managed to beat the second worst candidate in American history, and they needed Russian intelligence to do it. And if it weren't for the two-term limit, they would have lost to Obama again.
What I am really liking is the resurgence of a strong leftist protest movement. People are really involved right now, and if this keeps up, I can see Trump inadvertently swinging America to the left in a more or less permanent fashion. It would have been better to avoid a Trump Presidency, but that is the bright side of it.
I was reading that Obama is going to go after gerrymandering next. If he can make real inroads there, which is unlikely but possible, his real legacy may come after his Presidency.